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                                        Making a thriller film:

  • Develop a plot idea - writing all ideas

  • Location Recces - photos, google - both outside and inside(garages, sheds)

  • Character profiles, who are they?

  • Actors

  • Music and sound effects (royalty free)

  • Foley sound effects

  • Transport

  • Props

  • Equipment

  • Costumes, makeup and hair

  • Risk assessments

  • Storyboards

  • Shot list

  • Titled

  • Scenes

Workshop film:

What do Conspiracy-thriller films consist of?




Conspiracy thriller:









I researched the codes and conventions  of a variety of thriller films for Unit Learning Aim A. I found that it is conventional for a conspiracy thriller to have cliffhangers and mystery elements involved in it. Our group has decided to produce a opening scene to a conspiracy thriller, this means that we will need to ensure we embed themes of mystery and cliffhangers that could result in many possible outcomes.

Claude Levi Strauss:

He proposed a theory of binary opposites, for examples in a narrative of a film/book, the descriptions and makeup/costume of the two main characters are oppositional. For example, in the film ' New moon ' you have the two main male characters, one being a wolf and the other being a vampire, we can already tell that they are completely opposite, even the temperature of their blood which supports his theory on the two main characters / villains and hero's being binary opposites.

Audience feedback:

Risk assessments:

Ensure all equipment is safe and ready to use and that it is all stored correctly and safely, ensure any cables out on the scene from the camera or any equipment is made aware of and tucked away where possible, make sure that the location we use is safe and is legally accessible to go to. 
Ensure all electricals are kept away from any liquid and everything is tucked away in correct places to reduce trips hazards.

Legal restrictions and Regulations:

Group meeting 1 :

thriller opening_edited.png

This is a rough idea of what our thriller opening may be about and any initial ideas we have come up with from our first meeting.


This is a rough idea of what sub-genre we were looking into and what potential plots/ideas we had in our first meeting.

Our equipment plans:

We need to ensure when we go to our filming location that we have all possible equipment that may be needed, just to ensure that we don't need to drive back and fourth to collect missing equipment, we also need to ensure we have a tripod, camera, any props, lighting equipment, hair and makeup all easy and accessible to take with us to our location.


What are the main conventions of a murder mystery/conspiracy thriller?

A murder mystery/conspiracy thriller should consist of many plot twists and cliffhangers, conspiracies should be mysterious and tense, leaving the audience/viewers feeling uneasy and guessing different outcomes of situations. There should be features of cliffhangers leaving the audiences imagination to wander and create different scenarios for different situations. The murderer in the film would usually always have a connection to the protagonist/victim, which usually makes the murderer less suspected when having a connection or personal relationship with the protagonist, this also creates plot twists because the viewers may not expect the murderer to be who it is or they may not expect the protagonist to be the victim. Typically, in a murder mystery film, you don't find out who the murderer is until the very end, which results in a lot of tension and a build up of suspense. There is usually some sort of obsession with the murder to the victim, whether they are a stalker or are jealous, there are always themes of possession over the victim. There are usually different turns of events, leaving the audience shocked and having unexpected outcomes/surprises in the film which wopuld shock the audience because it seemed unlikely to happen.

Film budget plan:

Legal restrictions and regulations:

SWOT analysis:

Costume and makeup plans:

Antagonists costume:

  • Trainers, everyday makeup, fake blood, eyeshadow to create fake bruises. Cargo trousers for the murderer? Cute outfits for the girls, skirts, bright colourful colours.

  • SFX makeup?


Protagonists costume:

  • Black clothing, comfortable and easy wear, leggings, joggers

Location Recce:

We have decided to film in Devon, filming here we can achieve a realistic, gloomy, thriller atmosphere, we will travel by train and also return by train, the woods near the beach allows us to involve themes of mystery and horror into our film by setting different scenes in there.

Props plan:

  • Knife

  • Phone

phone 2.jpg
zip ties.jpeg
  • Zip ties

  • Small bag


Equipment plans:

We are going to carry all of our equipment in a big bag to ensure we bring all of the necessary things needed, such as the camera, tripod, costumes, snacks and drinks, makeup, any hair products, props.


Plan and research titles:

Research music and sound effects:

Shot list:

Character profile:

Film production risk assessment:



Film Schedule:

Shot list:

Story board:


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